I am also available as a support for anyone transitioning out of religion and navigating through what can often be a confusing and tumultuous time.
With my background in organized religion, I have seen, heard and experienced many things,
some amazing /life changing, and others - abusive/controlling.
But the good news is, you don't have to "throw the baby out with the bath water."
You can find your way to a very fulfilling, exciting -ever expanding spiritual life outside of organized religion as you learn to trust your path and yourself again.
One day I had a dream...
The dream was very real, so real in fact that I could not tell I was dreaming at all, it seemed so vivid...
I mean I could touch, taste and feel, there were fully developed characters and cities and everything.
I dreamt I was in this crazy place, alone and scared much of the time and looking for a way out back to the comfort and safety I had previously known, it felt strangely familiar but very foreign at the same time.
This world was frightening and chaotic, people were intensely worried about all kinds of things, many were also in their own dreams and some of them were even thrashing around. I would try to wake them, but they were also convinced it was real too, no matter what I tried - I couldn't get through, and they continued to cry out. The world had a lot of problems, people were killing other people and not even caring about it, they were stepping over each other to get ahead, whatever they could do to try to feel better, but everything they did just left them more empty. Many children were dying from not having enough food, while others had masses and masses of wealth but they wouldn't share. The dream was very sad.
Many of the people were trying to live up to impossible standards written in a book they called "infallible" about an angry, judgmental god who threatening banishment forever if they were to disobey. It was so carefully constructed with a main character offering redemption that the people held all their hope in the book. They even added much to what the man said, and took much away so he would fit in with what the powers of the day wanted portrayed. The main character had simply awakened himself, and was pointing the way to others, but the people were so asleep they formed a religion around that man and worshiped him instead of seeing him as a great example of how to awaken out of the dream. Other people had other books and special people they followed very closely, some killed people with other beliefs because of what their books taught their gods wanted and out of allegiance, they did it. This world was becoming more and more frightening and unpredictable, it seemed safer just to find a quiet corner and fend for oneself and ignore all the insanity.
Then eventually after much searching and even trying to adhere to the book myself, I found myself tired and empty from the journey.
Then one day I began to hear a whisper in the middle of all the noise, calling to me awaken. "It's safe" the voice said, "you are with me," "you have always been with me, there is nothing to fear for we can never be separated, and we never were, for we are One." Came the voice of Unconditional Love, calling me home.
Home, yes I was home, this was all just a bad dream! With great relief I started to awaken and it took a while but I slowly and gently shook off the dream as the truth came back little by little.
Then Love asked me, will you now help me whisper to others?
Some are ready to awaken and listen, let them know they have simply forgotten and help them re-member they are One with Me, and I am with them always. They too are just having a dream of separation, so let them know they can come home.
The way back is letting go of fear. The door is never locked, there is plenty here, and Love has forgotten no one.
All is well.
Anything else is merely an illusion or a dream.
Maryanne x
I mean I could touch, taste and feel, there were fully developed characters and cities and everything.
I dreamt I was in this crazy place, alone and scared much of the time and looking for a way out back to the comfort and safety I had previously known, it felt strangely familiar but very foreign at the same time.
This world was frightening and chaotic, people were intensely worried about all kinds of things, many were also in their own dreams and some of them were even thrashing around. I would try to wake them, but they were also convinced it was real too, no matter what I tried - I couldn't get through, and they continued to cry out. The world had a lot of problems, people were killing other people and not even caring about it, they were stepping over each other to get ahead, whatever they could do to try to feel better, but everything they did just left them more empty. Many children were dying from not having enough food, while others had masses and masses of wealth but they wouldn't share. The dream was very sad.
Many of the people were trying to live up to impossible standards written in a book they called "infallible" about an angry, judgmental god who threatening banishment forever if they were to disobey. It was so carefully constructed with a main character offering redemption that the people held all their hope in the book. They even added much to what the man said, and took much away so he would fit in with what the powers of the day wanted portrayed. The main character had simply awakened himself, and was pointing the way to others, but the people were so asleep they formed a religion around that man and worshiped him instead of seeing him as a great example of how to awaken out of the dream. Other people had other books and special people they followed very closely, some killed people with other beliefs because of what their books taught their gods wanted and out of allegiance, they did it. This world was becoming more and more frightening and unpredictable, it seemed safer just to find a quiet corner and fend for oneself and ignore all the insanity.
Then eventually after much searching and even trying to adhere to the book myself, I found myself tired and empty from the journey.
Then one day I began to hear a whisper in the middle of all the noise, calling to me awaken. "It's safe" the voice said, "you are with me," "you have always been with me, there is nothing to fear for we can never be separated, and we never were, for we are One." Came the voice of Unconditional Love, calling me home.
Home, yes I was home, this was all just a bad dream! With great relief I started to awaken and it took a while but I slowly and gently shook off the dream as the truth came back little by little.
Then Love asked me, will you now help me whisper to others?
Some are ready to awaken and listen, let them know they have simply forgotten and help them re-member they are One with Me, and I am with them always. They too are just having a dream of separation, so let them know they can come home.
The way back is letting go of fear. The door is never locked, there is plenty here, and Love has forgotten no one.
All is well.
Anything else is merely an illusion or a dream.
Maryanne x