Old (Earth) Soul (spent hundreds/+ lifetimes on earth as well as lives in other dimensions)
Volunteer Souls (much fewer lifetimes on earth before- more time spent in other realms/dimensions)How to RecognizeEnergy: Newer-to-earth Soul
Light energy, high vibrational, feel good to be around usually. Don't tend to carry much baggage, but can be highly sensitive within Old Soul birth families, or around harsh/heavy energy. Can deal with anxiety about how to function in the earth environment, suffer from integration issues and may have social awkwardness shyness or other challenges. Tend to be in good physical health and can have incredible talent and abilities. (Dolores Cannon, Tesla, Einstein). Mission and Work Volunteers, here to help raise the vibration and consciousness. Tend not to be too materialistic, but can be successful. Not as easily programmed by societal pressures (college degrees, marriage/need to have kids, making money, etc.). New Soul Leaders can be system interrupters, peacemakers and paradigm breakers, innovative and free thinking. Here to help us awaken, be at peace and return to the Love that we are etc. Some come with specific missions, but many- just being here is enough, in the contribution they make energetically. As long as they find work they like, that is helpful to the planet. They need to not feel like they have to save the planet, overwork too much, and remember to have fun. They have less trouble grasping God-Self Divinity concepts as they have often been in more evolved realms than earth. Where have they been? On other planets, dimensions, systems, universes, as energies beings, light beings, from other realms- supporting earth as Nature Spirits, Angels, Guides, or directly from Source. Gender is either specific, non-specific, or non-existent in these other dimensions as well as many other bodily concepts. Relationships Almost always partner with Old Earth Souls that can show them the ropes, since they have had less experience on earth, while they help to lighten up the Old Soul in return. Newer Souls usually need more down time/alone time to recharge, so give them space if required. They can also learn the need to speak up for themselves and ask for what they need, as most people can't read minds/telepathic communication like in other dimensions. Other stuff that might be helpful... Addictions- most Newer Souls/volunteers don't know that they are, but still they can have trouble feeling like they fit in, substances can give them a temporary feeling of ease and of home/bliss while trying to remember. They might want to be careful not to get too lost in the playground of earth and forget their mission especially Incarnated Elementals. Take care of your energy- recharge in nature and depending on your sensitivity you may need to limit your energetic interactions with others, it also might be helpful to limit news/tv watching as well as learning to clear your energy regularly could prove useful also (good for any empaths/HSP). Ideas for New Souls: Meditation being around animals Crystal healing Kundalini Yoga Play more/often Float therapy Reiki Channeling Stargazing Be near water Travel Astronomy Make/create something fun Hiking Automatic Writing Join a team/club Astral Travel Grounding Create new traditions that serve you/family Scuba diving Rock climbing Sunrises Embrace minimalism Flying lessons Read "The New Earth and the Three Waves of Volunteers, by Dolores Cannon Listen to Matt Khan on Youtube Add house plants Learn to ride a motorcycle Read: the Tao Te Ching Listen to Pamela Aaralyn channel various Ascended Masters on YouTube Remember to laugh |