Energetic Reprogramming/Recode is like a spa day for the Soul.
It's the name given to a combination of powerful healing modalities to rewire the brain and regulate the nervous system with direction and assistance from the Superconscious/Higher Self.
We don't have to settle for our past traumas/blocks/stuck patterns/fears/limitations etc.,
During this process we reprogram the nervous system, neutralize past traumas, treat stuck emotions, old beliefs, integrate the inner child/younger self, neutralize problematic archetypes and create renewed energy, etc., thereby creating a more relaxed state, peace of mind, and greater ease and flow for more quality of life.
Stress is a sign of an overworking nervous system and if left in fight/flight/freeze/shutdown etc., for long periods can lead to health issues and interruption of healthy function in life and relationships etc.
Energy can be reprogrammed easily without having to go into any painful past detail or re-live any trauma to do this.
This process can even feel, almost like the event didn't occur or like a distance dream. Like going from an open wound to a faint scar.
lessening triggers, anxiety and suffering, etc.
This can also be part of sessions as it is needed, but I also wanted to give it its own mention.
I use these techniques in most regressions now, past life or in recent time stressful situations.
Sessions are typically 1 hour-90 mins. Some tougher/deeper issues may require 2-3 sessions.
Helpful for any presenting issue.
It's the name given to a combination of powerful healing modalities to rewire the brain and regulate the nervous system with direction and assistance from the Superconscious/Higher Self.
We don't have to settle for our past traumas/blocks/stuck patterns/fears/limitations etc.,
During this process we reprogram the nervous system, neutralize past traumas, treat stuck emotions, old beliefs, integrate the inner child/younger self, neutralize problematic archetypes and create renewed energy, etc., thereby creating a more relaxed state, peace of mind, and greater ease and flow for more quality of life.
Stress is a sign of an overworking nervous system and if left in fight/flight/freeze/shutdown etc., for long periods can lead to health issues and interruption of healthy function in life and relationships etc.
Energy can be reprogrammed easily without having to go into any painful past detail or re-live any trauma to do this.
This process can even feel, almost like the event didn't occur or like a distance dream. Like going from an open wound to a faint scar.
lessening triggers, anxiety and suffering, etc.
This can also be part of sessions as it is needed, but I also wanted to give it its own mention.
I use these techniques in most regressions now, past life or in recent time stressful situations.
Sessions are typically 1 hour-90 mins. Some tougher/deeper issues may require 2-3 sessions.
Helpful for any presenting issue.